Introducing Loyalty Points, Referrals and more!! Join Now
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Loyalty Points and Rewards

Get Rewarded

Signing up for a Queen Hemp Company account:

  • 10 Loyalty Points when sign up
  • free shipping over $50
  • automatically allows you to start earning Loyalty Points
  • $1.00 spent = 1 Loyalty Point; 20 Points = $1
  • Minimum Points to use at purchase 100 points; Maximum Points to use at purchase 1,000 points
  • Points expire after 1 year

Points are calculated upon checkout. Tax is not included in this calculation.

Don’t have an account?

Queen Hemp Referral Program

Referrals = Discounts

Another great feature of Queen Hemp Company’s loyalty program is referrals. Each account will automatically have a referral link activated when you sign up. This link can be shared on social media or wherever you think it might reach someone who would love the try Queen Hemp Company products.

You can find your referral link by clicking on your account page. Sign up for an account today.

Looking for your referral link?

Become a Queen Hemp Affiliate

Get Paid

Do you have a large following on Instagram or Tik-Tok? How about a youtube channel with millions of views? We are interested in partnering with you!

Our affiliates get to enjoy perks like trying new products before they hit the market as well as earning some cash when someone orders with your affiliate link.


Grow Your Business

We love our wholesale family! We value every member of the Queen Hemp family an want your business to succeed. Queen Hemp Company offers no minimum or guaranteed monthly purchase to retain your wholesale account.

If you’re interested in having Queen Hemp Company products in your store, we would love to talk to you. This offer requires a legal tax ID as well as approval by Queen Hemp Company. Make sure you have a regular customer account before applying for a wholesalers account. Apply today and lets get to work!

Queen Hemp Company